2nd ed. — Springer Netherlands, 1997. — 220 p.
Определитель 140 породообразующих минералов в шлифах (с цветными
фотографиями). Основы кристаллооптики. This is a guide to
identifying 140 of the important rock-forming mineral species. It
provides fundamentals of crystal optics, polarization microscopy
and the practical use of microscopes. Translated from the German by
L. Hoke.
Optical Crystallography
The polarizing microscope
Orthoscopic observations
Observations under conoscopic light
Optical Mineralogy
Opaque minerals and substances
Optically isotropic (also pseudocubic) minerals and amorphous substances
Optically uniaxial minerals
Biaxial crystals
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals
Diagrams for the classification of magmatic rocks
Diagrams of mineral and rock structures
Optical Crystallography
The polarizing microscope
Orthoscopic observations
Observations under conoscopic light
Optical Mineralogy
Opaque minerals and substances
Optically isotropic (also pseudocubic) minerals and amorphous substances
Optically uniaxial minerals
Biaxial crystals
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals
Diagrams for the classification of magmatic rocks
Diagrams of mineral and rock structures