Брянский государственный университет имени академика И.Г.
Петровского, Брянск, автор - Тишиина В.Г., 2012 г., 14 стр,
Phonological and phonetic mistakes in pronunciation.
Phonetics and Phonology (Phone. Phoneme. Minimal pairs. Allophones. Classification of allophones.)
An Error or a Mistake(Error. Mistake. Type of mistakеs).
Phonostylistics (Variability. Variable context. Style-forming factor. Style-modifying factors.)
Mistakes in the Speech of Russian Leaers of English.
Interference. Articulation basis.
Phonological and phonetic mistakes in pronunciation.
Phonetics and Phonology (Phone. Phoneme. Minimal pairs. Allophones. Classification of allophones.)
An Error or a Mistake(Error. Mistake. Type of mistakеs).
Phonostylistics (Variability. Variable context. Style-forming factor. Style-modifying factors.)
Mistakes in the Speech of Russian Leaers of English.
Interference. Articulation basis.