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  • добавлен 16 декабря 2011 г.
Peatross J., Ware M. Physics of Light and Optics
Brigham Young University, 2011, 336 pages

Physics of Light and Optics is a textbook designed for an advanced undergraduate optics course for physics majors. Topics are addressed from a physics perspective and include the propagation of light in matter, reflection and transmission at boundaries, polarization effects, dispersion, coherence, ray optics and imaging, diffraction, and the quantum nature of light.

Mathematical Tools
Electromagnetic Phenomena
PlaneWaves and Refractive Index
Reflection and Refraction
Multiple Parallel Interfaces
Propagation in AnisotropicMedia
Polarization of Light
Superposition of Quasi-Parallel PlaneWaves
Coherence Theory
Light as Rays
Diffraction Applications
Interferograms and Holography
Blackbody Radiation
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