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  • добавлен 29 сентября 2013 г.
Параметрический тест гидроабразивной резки для программного извлечения взрывчатых веществ и топлива из корпусов боеприпасов. Summers D.A., Worsey P.N., Blaine J.G., Fossey R.D. Waterjet cutting parameterization test for the programmed extraction of e
Статья. Электронный документ.
The use of high pressure water as a tool to cut and remove explosive material is becoming more common. A short series of tests is used to identify the operational parameters for the jets to effectively cut the material. From this experimental series, and previously determined waterjet impact sensitivity data, it is possible to define a system for effectively removing reactive material and to determine a suitable safety factor in terms of relative jet impact pressures.
Test Parameters and Sample Configuration.
Test Apparatus and Methodology.
Data Analysis.
Projections from the Data.
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