Тула: Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л.Н.
Толстого (ТГПУ), 2013. — 26 с.
Geography. Rivers. Regions of the USA. Climate and weather.
Prehistory to 1520. Colonization (1519-1733).
The imperial system (1660-1750).
Creating a nation (1754-1816). Manifest Destiny (1835-1848).
The crisis of the union. The civil war.
Reconstruction (1865-1877).
The birth of mode America (1865-1890): settling the West (1865-1900), industrialization (1865-1901), growth of cities (1865-1896).
World War I and its aftermath (1914-1920).
The Jazz Age (1921-1929). Normalcy and Good Times (1921-1929).
The Great Depression (1929-1939).
America and the World War II (1941-1945).
The Cold War (1945-1960).
The Civil Rights movement. (1954-1975).
The Vietnam War (1954-1975).
Present day America (1992-present).
The system of education.
The US culture and its influence on the culture of other nations. Borrowings from American English into other languages, their reasons and effects.
Problems of Native Americans in the course of history.
Geography. Rivers. Regions of the USA. Climate and weather.
Prehistory to 1520. Colonization (1519-1733).
The imperial system (1660-1750).
Creating a nation (1754-1816). Manifest Destiny (1835-1848).
The crisis of the union. The civil war.
Reconstruction (1865-1877).
The birth of mode America (1865-1890): settling the West (1865-1900), industrialization (1865-1901), growth of cities (1865-1896).
World War I and its aftermath (1914-1920).
The Jazz Age (1921-1929). Normalcy and Good Times (1921-1929).
The Great Depression (1929-1939).
America and the World War II (1941-1945).
The Cold War (1945-1960).
The Civil Rights movement. (1954-1975).
The Vietnam War (1954-1975).
Present day America (1992-present).
The system of education.
The US culture and its influence on the culture of other nations. Borrowings from American English into other languages, their reasons and effects.
Problems of Native Americans in the course of history.