Houston, Texas: Jim Klingele, 2008. - 80 p.
«Oil and Gas Joual» - самое авторитетное отраслевое издание в
мире, до настоящего времени издавшееся только в США и Латинской
Америке. Теперь выходит в России. Освещает все аспекты
нефтегазового комплекса России и стран СНГ.
The Oil & Gas Joual, first published in 1902, is the world's most
widely read petroleum industry publication.
Each week the Joual delivers the latest inteational oil and gas
news; analysis of issues and events; practical technology for
design, operation and maintenance; and important statistics on
inteational markets and activity.
The Oil & Gas Joual is designed to meet the needs of engineers,
oil management and executives throughout the oil and gas industry.