Elsevier Science, 2003, 140 Pages
Hurricanes are one of the most adverse aspects of the ocean environment, with the potential to cause a disastrous event for marine systems in the ocean. This is an invaluable reference for all involved in the field of naval, ocean and coastal engineering. The work clarifies hurricane generated sea conditions necessary for the design and operation of marine systems in a seaway, and provides information for the protection of near shore / onshore structures and the environment at the time of hurricane landing.
Reveals Information vital for avoidance of disastrous events experienced by ships and offshore structures
Includes detailed analysis of hurricane sea wave data obtained by buoys
This book consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 addresses hurricane winds and the resultant generated sea states in the open ocean. The difference between hurricane wind spectra over the ocean and those over land is clarified.
Chapter 2 discusses hurricane-generated seas in deep water from the stochastic view point based on the results of analysis of measured data. Unique features of wave spectra observed during hurricane-generated seas are presented and compared with wave spectra observed in ordinary wind-generated seas. A mathematical formulation specifically applicable to hurricane-generated seas is presented in the form of the JONSWAP spectral formulation.
Chapter 3 addresses the transformation of wave spectra with the advance of a hurricane from deep to shallow water. The transformation is presented in three phases. In the first phase, a method for estimating the transformation of wave spectra developed by Kitaigorodskii is discussed with application to the hurricane advancing from deep sea to finite water depth over the continental shelf. A method to estimate the water at which the effect of depth initiates is discussed with an example of computations applied to hurricane KATE.
Chapter 4 discusses wave characteristics including extreme height expected during passage of a hurricane from deep to shallow water. A very important and interesting subject pertains to wave characteristics in finite water depth in which nonlinearity is introduced and thereby the stochastic properties of waves are transformed from Gaussian to a non-Gaussian random process.
Chapter 5 addresses nearshore sea severity at the time of hurricane landing. As an
example, the probability distribution of wave height in hurricane KATE is obtained from the
wave spectrum at each water depth estimated from knowledge of the measured wave spectrum
in deep water. The significance of the effect of increase in sea level due to storm surge and/or
tide on the nearshore sea severity is discussed with a numerical example.
Hurricanes are one of the most adverse aspects of the ocean environment, with the potential to cause a disastrous event for marine systems in the ocean. This is an invaluable reference for all involved in the field of naval, ocean and coastal engineering. The work clarifies hurricane generated sea conditions necessary for the design and operation of marine systems in a seaway, and provides information for the protection of near shore / onshore structures and the environment at the time of hurricane landing.
Reveals Information vital for avoidance of disastrous events experienced by ships and offshore structures
Includes detailed analysis of hurricane sea wave data obtained by buoys
This book consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 addresses hurricane winds and the resultant generated sea states in the open ocean. The difference between hurricane wind spectra over the ocean and those over land is clarified.
Chapter 2 discusses hurricane-generated seas in deep water from the stochastic view point based on the results of analysis of measured data. Unique features of wave spectra observed during hurricane-generated seas are presented and compared with wave spectra observed in ordinary wind-generated seas. A mathematical formulation specifically applicable to hurricane-generated seas is presented in the form of the JONSWAP spectral formulation.
Chapter 3 addresses the transformation of wave spectra with the advance of a hurricane from deep to shallow water. The transformation is presented in three phases. In the first phase, a method for estimating the transformation of wave spectra developed by Kitaigorodskii is discussed with application to the hurricane advancing from deep sea to finite water depth over the continental shelf. A method to estimate the water at which the effect of depth initiates is discussed with an example of computations applied to hurricane KATE.
Chapter 4 discusses wave characteristics including extreme height expected during passage of a hurricane from deep to shallow water. A very important and interesting subject pertains to wave characteristics in finite water depth in which nonlinearity is introduced and thereby the stochastic properties of waves are transformed from Gaussian to a non-Gaussian random process.
Chapter 5 addresses nearshore sea severity at the time of hurricane landing. As an
example, the probability distribution of wave height in hurricane KATE is obtained from the
wave spectrum at each water depth estimated from knowledge of the measured wave spectrum
in deep water. The significance of the effect of increase in sea level due to storm surge and/or
tide on the nearshore sea severity is discussed with a numerical example.