11 слайдов.
А.И. Громов,
6-е заседание Тематической группы по энергетическим стратегиям, прогнозам и сценариям Энергетического диалога "Россия-ЕС",
18 февраля 2011 г., Брюссель.
EU and Russia: energy market interdependence.
Russia and EU need common long-term Energy Vision.
Global energy trends: shift to the developing countries.
Global energy trends: shift to the low-carbon energy.
European energy market: uncertainty is related with renewables and regulation.
European energy market: shift from commodities to service and to technology.
Russia in global energy sector.
Key challenge for Russia: oil prices: wave dynamics and downward trend.
EU and Russia cooperation: common opportunities.
А.И. Громов,
6-е заседание Тематической группы по энергетическим стратегиям, прогнозам и сценариям Энергетического диалога "Россия-ЕС",
18 февраля 2011 г., Брюссель.
EU and Russia: energy market interdependence.
Russia and EU need common long-term Energy Vision.
Global energy trends: shift to the developing countries.
Global energy trends: shift to the low-carbon energy.
European energy market: uncertainty is related with renewables and regulation.
European energy market: shift from commodities to service and to technology.
Russia in global energy sector.
Key challenge for Russia: oil prices: wave dynamics and downward trend.
EU and Russia cooperation: common opportunities.