Research paper. – 22 p. Defence & Security, Systems and Technology,
FOI Swedish Defence Research Agency
Penetration and perforation of concrete targets are studied by the
use of numerical simulations to enhance the understanding of the
penetration phenomenon. Comparisons were made with test results
obtained for both reinforced and unreinforced 48.0 MPa normal
strength concrete. The studied projectiles were made as generic
models of penetrators for buried hardened target defeat. Varying
impact velocities and angles for the penetrators were investigated.
The simulations gave reasonable results for the different
simulation cases, with the best results were obtained for
reinforced concrete targets.
Penetration experiments.
Material models.
Numerical simulations.
Evaluation of penetration simulations.
Further research.
Penetration experiments.
Material models.
Numerical simulations.
Evaluation of penetration simulations.
Further research.