Windsor: SDC publications, 2011. - 523 с.
ISBN: 978-1-58503-654-7
Учебное пособие университета Виндзора. В данном учебном пособии рассматриваются основные принципы работы в модуле Generative structure analysis CATIA v5. Модуль предназначен для прочностных расчетов методом конечного элемента. Возможности модуля рассмотрены на конкретных примерах. Пособие на английском языке.
Analysis of a bent rod with solid elements
Axially loaded block with stress concentration
Stress analysis of a rotating disk
Deformation of an I-beam under self-weight
C-clamp deformed with enforced displacement
FEA modeling of the bent rod with beam elements
Beam elements under enforced displacement
Bending of a notched specimen with smooth virtual part
Analyzing a loaded bracket with shell elements, surface extraction approach
Modeling mismatch in shell thickness and surface mesh
Analysis of thin walled pressure vessel using shell elements
Using the "surface mesher" to simplify geometry
FE model of a bearing-shaft assembly using analysis connection
Shrink fit analysis
Analysis of a tensile specimen as an assembly
Analysis of a fastened assembly
Thermal stresses in a bi-metallic strip
Hybrid mesh analysis
Spring elements
Adaptive refinement
Free vibration of a simply supported beam
Buckling analysis
A simple spot weld analysis
Defining restraints or loads on patches
Limited Hexahedral element capabilities
Frequency response of a simply supported beam
Miscellaneous comments
ISBN: 978-1-58503-654-7
Учебное пособие университета Виндзора. В данном учебном пособии рассматриваются основные принципы работы в модуле Generative structure analysis CATIA v5. Модуль предназначен для прочностных расчетов методом конечного элемента. Возможности модуля рассмотрены на конкретных примерах. Пособие на английском языке.
Analysis of a bent rod with solid elements
Axially loaded block with stress concentration
Stress analysis of a rotating disk
Deformation of an I-beam under self-weight
C-clamp deformed with enforced displacement
FEA modeling of the bent rod with beam elements
Beam elements under enforced displacement
Bending of a notched specimen with smooth virtual part
Analyzing a loaded bracket with shell elements, surface extraction approach
Modeling mismatch in shell thickness and surface mesh
Analysis of thin walled pressure vessel using shell elements
Using the "surface mesher" to simplify geometry
FE model of a bearing-shaft assembly using analysis connection
Shrink fit analysis
Analysis of a tensile specimen as an assembly
Analysis of a fastened assembly
Thermal stresses in a bi-metallic strip
Hybrid mesh analysis
Spring elements
Adaptive refinement
Free vibration of a simply supported beam
Buckling analysis
A simple spot weld analysis
Defining restraints or loads on patches
Limited Hexahedral element capabilities
Frequency response of a simply supported beam
Miscellaneous comments