John Wiley & Sons, LTD, 2006
Водные источники, колодцы и скважины. Язык: английский.
Все аспекты водораспределительных систем. Охвачены многочисленные факторы, как топография местности, экономика, свойства жидкости и мн. др.
The aim of this book is to provide the reader with an understanding of the analysis and design aspects of water distribution system and all its components including water source and intake works, treatment works and storage, transmission mains and distribution network. The book covers the topics related to the analysis and design of water supply systems with application to sediment-transporting pipelines. It includes the pipe flow principles and their application in analysis of water supply systems. The book covers numerous design considerations such as topographic features of terrain, economic parameters, fluid properties, and the essential parameters for network design.
Водные источники, колодцы и скважины. Язык: английский.
Все аспекты водораспределительных систем. Охвачены многочисленные факторы, как топография местности, экономика, свойства жидкости и мн. др.
The aim of this book is to provide the reader with an understanding of the analysis and design aspects of water distribution system and all its components including water source and intake works, treatment works and storage, transmission mains and distribution network. The book covers the topics related to the analysis and design of water supply systems with application to sediment-transporting pipelines. It includes the pipe flow principles and their application in analysis of water supply systems. The book covers numerous design considerations such as topographic features of terrain, economic parameters, fluid properties, and the essential parameters for network design.