11 слайдов
А.И. Громов,
11-й международный Форум "Петербургский диалог",
19 июля 2011 г., Германия, Вольфсбург, Ганновер. European expectations: gas demand grows
Russian expectations: excessive optimism
Positive and negative trends for Russian gas in EU
Germany: gas instead of nuclear power?
Nord Stream project: is it only increase in export?
The refusal of Bulgaria and Croatia from Russian gas: is it the precedent?
Long-term contracts: hard competition with spot prices
Share of Russian gas on the EU gas market continues to decline.
What next?
А.И. Громов,
11-й международный Форум "Петербургский диалог",
19 июля 2011 г., Германия, Вольфсбург, Ганновер. European expectations: gas demand grows
Russian expectations: excessive optimism
Positive and negative trends for Russian gas in EU
Germany: gas instead of nuclear power?
Nord Stream project: is it only increase in export?
The refusal of Bulgaria and Croatia from Russian gas: is it the precedent?
Long-term contracts: hard competition with spot prices
Share of Russian gas on the EU gas market continues to decline.
What next?