David Vye, Richard Mumford and Patrick Hindle, Microwave Joual Editors. MWJ editors highlight new spy-like gadgets relating to the world of microwaves.
Holzworth Instrumentation. Introduction to a fully automated phase noise analyzer that responds to common issues of mode phase noise test systems.
Integra Technologies. Brian Battaglia, Director of Sales and Marketing at Integra Technologies, provides insight on trends in the high power RF pallet industry.
Patrick Hindle, Microwave Joual Technical Editor. Insight into the SBIR program and how it encourages small microwave companies to research and develop new technologies and products in response to critical Army needs.
Nicholas Cannon, Anritsu Co. Introduction to passive intermodulation and the importance and impact of PIM testing as 4G rolls out in Europe.
Kevin Spencer, Crane Aerospace & Electronics. Presents a process for microwave, multi-layer integrated circuits and micro-multifunction modules based on ?uoropolymer composite substrates called Multi-Mix®.
S. Aich, J. Dhar, S.K. Garg, B.V. Bakori and R.K. Arora, Space Applications Center, ISRO. Illustrates the design and development of a 60 W pulsed Class F power ampli?er over the frequency range of 1.25 GHz ± 50 MHz.
M.D. Brunsman, TriQuint Semiconductor. Methodology for modeling the resistance of MIM capacitors, directly from measured S-parameters, using an ultra-low impedance measurement.
Hsin-Chih Kuo, Chu-Yun Yang and Huey-Ru Chuang, National Cheng Kung University. Presentation of a 50 GHz CMOS low noise ampli?er with 11.7 dB gain and noise ?gure of 7.9 dB fabricated with the 0.13 µm process.
Amir Effendy Muhammad-A?? and Widad Ismail, Universiti Sains; Jit Singh Mandeep, Universiti Kebangsaan. Development of a method that achieves a wide tuning range with a tuning sensitivity of 1 MHz/V or higher for the dielectric resonator oscillator operating at 3.6 GHz.
J.M. Huang (also af?liated with State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications), H.Z. Zhu, H. Guo, and K. Han, Beijing. University of Posts and Telecommunications. Presentation of a broadband, bandstop ?lter at 11.5 GHz with sharp cut-off frequencies, using designs of periodic fractal electromagnetic bandgap structures.
SPINNER GmbH. Introduction to a dual-channel Ka-Band rotary joint completing the product portfolio at the upper frequency range.
Ultra High IP3 Ampli?er Module: Mini-Circuits.
2400 to 2500 MHz Hermetically Sealed TO-8 VCO: Crystek Corp.
High Performance 600 MHz Oscilloscope: Rohde & Schwarz.
12 kW Solid-state Pulse Ampli?er: Advantech Wireless.
David Vye, Richard Mumford and Patrick Hindle, Microwave Joual Editors. MWJ editors highlight new spy-like gadgets relating to the world of microwaves.
Holzworth Instrumentation. Introduction to a fully automated phase noise analyzer that responds to common issues of mode phase noise test systems.
Integra Technologies. Brian Battaglia, Director of Sales and Marketing at Integra Technologies, provides insight on trends in the high power RF pallet industry.
Patrick Hindle, Microwave Joual Technical Editor. Insight into the SBIR program and how it encourages small microwave companies to research and develop new technologies and products in response to critical Army needs.
Nicholas Cannon, Anritsu Co. Introduction to passive intermodulation and the importance and impact of PIM testing as 4G rolls out in Europe.
Kevin Spencer, Crane Aerospace & Electronics. Presents a process for microwave, multi-layer integrated circuits and micro-multifunction modules based on ?uoropolymer composite substrates called Multi-Mix®.
S. Aich, J. Dhar, S.K. Garg, B.V. Bakori and R.K. Arora, Space Applications Center, ISRO. Illustrates the design and development of a 60 W pulsed Class F power ampli?er over the frequency range of 1.25 GHz ± 50 MHz.
M.D. Brunsman, TriQuint Semiconductor. Methodology for modeling the resistance of MIM capacitors, directly from measured S-parameters, using an ultra-low impedance measurement.
Hsin-Chih Kuo, Chu-Yun Yang and Huey-Ru Chuang, National Cheng Kung University. Presentation of a 50 GHz CMOS low noise ampli?er with 11.7 dB gain and noise ?gure of 7.9 dB fabricated with the 0.13 µm process.
Amir Effendy Muhammad-A?? and Widad Ismail, Universiti Sains; Jit Singh Mandeep, Universiti Kebangsaan. Development of a method that achieves a wide tuning range with a tuning sensitivity of 1 MHz/V or higher for the dielectric resonator oscillator operating at 3.6 GHz.
J.M. Huang (also af?liated with State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications), H.Z. Zhu, H. Guo, and K. Han, Beijing. University of Posts and Telecommunications. Presentation of a broadband, bandstop ?lter at 11.5 GHz with sharp cut-off frequencies, using designs of periodic fractal electromagnetic bandgap structures.
SPINNER GmbH. Introduction to a dual-channel Ka-Band rotary joint completing the product portfolio at the upper frequency range.
Ultra High IP3 Ampli?er Module: Mini-Circuits.
2400 to 2500 MHz Hermetically Sealed TO-8 VCO: Crystek Corp.
High Performance 600 MHz Oscilloscope: Rohde & Schwarz.
12 kW Solid-state Pulse Ampli?er: Advantech Wireless.