Строительная наука и техника. – 2011. – № 4(37). – С. 50–53.
В статье рассмотрены основные принципы и особенности статического
расчета стальных каркасов по ТКП ЕН 1993-1-1. Затронуты вопросы
моделирования элементов конструкции, узлов сопряжений, методов
выполнения статического расчета, а также порядок учета
In article main principles and features of static calculation on TKP ЕN 1993-1-1 are considered. Questions of modelling of elements of a design, junction, methods of performance of static analysis, and also an order of the account of imperfections are mentioned.
In article main principles and features of static calculation on TKP ЕN 1993-1-1 are considered. Questions of modelling of elements of a design, junction, methods of performance of static analysis, and also an order of the account of imperfections are mentioned.