Издательство Blandford Paperback, 1984 г. , 128 с.
"Живопись китайской тушью (техники оттенков черного)" - книга, в которой описаны инструменты, приемы и основные темы китайской монохромной акварели тушью. Отсутствуют некоторые страницы(2-10, 52, 90, 96-106, 108, 111-123, 125 и далее), но это не сильно влияет на понимание содержания.
The tradition of Chinese painting dates back to 7th century. It was developed in several ways, influenced by Japanese and European painting. Despite this, it preserved its individual character. The pictures explained thoughts and feelings about some real situation. It was the reason why they were completed with some caligraphical poem. According to the mood of the picture and the words of poem the author chose also his own seal – its print in red wasn?t only sign under picture, but it had a special meaning.
"Живопись китайской тушью (техники оттенков черного)" - книга, в которой описаны инструменты, приемы и основные темы китайской монохромной акварели тушью. Отсутствуют некоторые страницы(2-10, 52, 90, 96-106, 108, 111-123, 125 и далее), но это не сильно влияет на понимание содержания.
The tradition of Chinese painting dates back to 7th century. It was developed in several ways, influenced by Japanese and European painting. Despite this, it preserved its individual character. The pictures explained thoughts and feelings about some real situation. It was the reason why they were completed with some caligraphical poem. According to the mood of the picture and the words of poem the author chose also his own seal – its print in red wasn?t only sign under picture, but it had a special meaning.