Статья опубликована в журнале: Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 2, No. 4, April
Геликоные волны возбужденные геликоной антенной
Componentsof the wave magnetic field in a helicon dischargehave
been measuredwith a single-tu, coaxial magnetic probe, Left- and
right-handed helical antennas, as well as plane-polarizedantennasw,
ereused;andtheresultswerecomparedwith thefieldpattescomputed for
a nonuniform plasma. The results show that the right-hand
circularly polarized mode is preferentially excited with all
antennas,even those designedto excite the left-hand mode. For
right-hand excitation, the radial amplitude profiles are in
excellent agreement with computations.0 1995 American Institure of