New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 1982. — 226 p.
Лал Хазра Канаи. История буддизма тхеравады в странах Юго-Восточной
Азии, с материалами по Индии и Цейлону (на англ. яз.)
Introduction and Sources.
India: Introduction, Development and Decline of Buddhism in India.
History of Theravada Buddhism in Ceylon and South-East Asia Prior to the Eleventh Century AD.
Ceylon's Political Relations with South-East Asia.
Religious Intercourse between Ceylon and Burma.
Ceylon's Religious and Cultural Relations with Siam.
Ceylon's Religious Ties with Cambodia and Laos.
Introduction and Sources.
India: Introduction, Development and Decline of Buddhism in India.
History of Theravada Buddhism in Ceylon and South-East Asia Prior to the Eleventh Century AD.
Ceylon's Political Relations with South-East Asia.
Religious Intercourse between Ceylon and Burma.
Ceylon's Religious and Cultural Relations with Siam.
Ceylon's Religious Ties with Cambodia and Laos.