Монография, Bucureşti: Ed. Academiei Române; Brăila: Ed. Istros,
2010, 426 p.
Ed. by Gheorghe Postică and Igor Kyzlasov. With Preface: Gheorghe Postică, "Leonid R. Kyzlasov: well known scientist of Sibirian, Central and Middle Asian studies".
The book is a re-publication with additions from Russian into
English of monograph: Л.Р. Кызласов, Городская цивилизация Срединной и
Северной Азии: исторические и археологические исследования, - Москва:
Изд.Восточная литература РАН, 2006, - 360 стр.
Ed. by Gheorghe Postică and Igor Kyzlasov. With Preface: Gheorghe Postică, "Leonid R. Kyzlasov: well known scientist of Sibirian, Central and Middle Asian studies".
The book is a re-publication with additions from Russian into
English of monograph: Л.Р. Кызласов, Городская цивилизация Срединной и
Северной Азии: исторические и археологические исследования, - Москва:
Изд.Восточная литература РАН, 2006, - 360 стр.