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  • добавлен 13 января 2012 г.
Kvam P.H., Vidakovic B. Nonparametric Statistics with Applications to Science and Engineering
Wiley Interscience | 2007 | ISBN: 0470081473 | 420 pages
This book presents mode nonparametric statistics from a practical point of view. It is primarily intended for use with engineers and scientists. While the book covers the necessary theorems and methods of rank tests in an applied fashion, the novelty lies in its emphasis on mode nonparametric methods in regression and curve fitting, bootstrap confidence intervals, splines, wavelets, empirical and nonparametric likelihood, and goodness of fit testing. MATLAB is the computing and programming system of choice throughout the book because of its special applicability for research analysis and simulation.
"The authors' efforts to tailor the book to suit the needs of engineering students should pay off in the long run, as they have made the book more relevant and lively. The choice of topics covered is excellent. The rich content and information in this book should make this book a handy reference for many applied research workers." (Technometrics, May 2008)
"The authors' efforts to tailor the book to suit the needs of engineering students should pay off in the long run, as they have made the book more relevant and lively. The choice of topics covered is excellent. The rich content and information in this book should make this book a handy reference for many applied research workers." (Technometrics, May 2008)
"…an excellent introductory text to mode nonparametric methodology and also should make a useful reference for engineers and statisticians. The mixture of exemplary scholarship, good exposition, insightful examples, and occasional dashes of humor make this book an enjoyable read." (Joual of the American Statistical Association, September 2008)
"The book is an essential textbook for graduate courses in engineering and the physical sciences, and is also a valuable reference work for practitioners. It is accessible and thus useful to a wide audience." (Computing Reviews, Feb 2008)
"This book is clearly written and well organized. I liked very much the photos and historical details of statisticians." (Inteational Statistical Review, 2008)
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