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  • добавлен 06 сентября 2011 г.
Koester L., Steyerl A. Neutron Physics
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, NewYork, 1977, 141 pp. - ISBN 3-540-08022-8


L. Koester, Neutron Scattering Lengths and Fundamental Neutron Interactions
Nonmagnetic Scattering of Neutrons
Methods for the Determination of Scattering Lengths
Experimental Results

A. Steyerl, Very Low Energy Neutrons
Fundamentals of Very Low Energy Neutrons
Production, Guidance and Detection of Very Slow Neutrons
Interaction of Very Cold Neutrons with Matter
Neutron Containment in Material Bottles
Possible Specific Applications of Very Low Energy Neutrons
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