Hueber, 2008. Level 2.
Аудиоматериалы к упражнениям. Упражнения в книге (книга djvu здесь и
pdf здесь).
Книга адаптирована для словарного запаса 500 слов, что
соответствует приблизительно шестому классу общеобразовательной
школы с преподаванием английского языка как иностранного, или
второму году обучения. Цветные иллюстрации и упражнения.
Mrs Peterson gives her class a big new project - they have to
find something they can sell at the Tunbridge Town Fete. At first,
Justin's group don't know what to sell, but then Justin has a
bright idea - they'll sell worm juice'. Worm juice is a wonderful
fertiliser for plants! But Justin and his friends soon discover that
setting up a worm farm isn't easy, and as the date of the fete
gets closer, they wonder if they're going to have anything to sell! □ An exciting series of original fiction for leaers of English from grade 5
□ Accessible and engaging, with carefully graded language to suit different
age groups and levels of competence in line with the curricula.
□ Structured comprehension, vocabulary and listening activities.
□ A stimulating variety of settings and storylines.
□ Audio CD with the complete text as well as specially chosen extracts
for comprehension exercises.
find something they can sell at the Tunbridge Town Fete. At first,
Justin's group don't know what to sell, but then Justin has a
bright idea - they'll sell worm juice'. Worm juice is a wonderful
fertiliser for plants! But Justin and his friends soon discover that
setting up a worm farm isn't easy, and as the date of the fete
gets closer, they wonder if they're going to have anything to sell! □ An exciting series of original fiction for leaers of English from grade 5
□ Accessible and engaging, with carefully graded language to suit different
age groups and levels of competence in line with the curricula.
□ Structured comprehension, vocabulary and listening activities.
□ A stimulating variety of settings and storylines.
□ Audio CD with the complete text as well as specially chosen extracts
for comprehension exercises.