Электронный ресурс (сайт Института Современной России). Дата
публикации: 20 июня 2013.
Название оригинала: Владимир Кара-Мурза "Говорит и показывает
Кремль. 10 лет без независимого телевидения". Выполненный
Институтом Современной России перевод статьи на англ. яз.
The presence of an alteative source of information—indeed, a
source of information rather than propaganda—with access to tens of
millions of people was a barrier both to consolidating unlimited
political power and to satisfying the corrupt appetites of the
Kremlin leadership. This barrier had to be removed. The work on its
removal began on the fifth day after Putin’s inauguration in May
2000. According to IMR Senior Policy Advisor Vladimir Kara-Murza,
the purging of independent TV has allowed Vladimir Putin to
significantly delay the development of Russian society.