Книга, от Cambridge University Press, состоит из более чем 20
разделов с различных тематик, очень полезная студентам 4-5 курсов
дневного и заочного отделений и преподавателям.
1.Desert islands
2.Around the world
3.That`s show business
4.Enjoy your meal!
5.Travellers or tourist
6.It takes all sorts
7.Put it in writing
8.The good old days?
9.You are as old as you feel
11.Fame and fortune
12.Education and science
14.The english-speaking world
15.How strange!
16.Body and mind
17.Love stories
18.The natural world
19.What`s in the news?
20.The real world
1.Desert islands
2.Around the world
3.That`s show business
4.Enjoy your meal!
5.Travellers or tourist
6.It takes all sorts
7.Put it in writing
8.The good old days?
9.You are as old as you feel
11.Fame and fortune
12.Education and science
14.The english-speaking world
15.How strange!
16.Body and mind
17.Love stories
18.The natural world
19.What`s in the news?
20.The real world