New York: Balantine Books. 1977. — 84 Pages
Оригинальные наброски к величайшей космической саге.
This was the beginning of the most powerful, fantastic, mind-blogging sights ever put on film! Shows, how the increible equipment was developed! Here they are: the Death Star, the Millenium Falcon, the lifepod, the TIE fighter, the Sandscrawler, the X-Wing fighter, the rebel Blocade Runner, the Y-Wing fighter, the Imperial Star Destroyer!
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This was the beginning of the most powerful, fantastic, mind-blogging sights ever put on film! Shows, how the increible equipment was developed! Here they are: the Death Star, the Millenium Falcon, the lifepod, the TIE fighter, the Sandscrawler, the X-Wing fighter, the rebel Blocade Runner, the Y-Wing fighter, the Imperial Star Destroyer!
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