Thesis Wageningen University – With ref. -- 378 p.
Publisher: Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena, Mahabodhi Centre, Leh, Ladakh, India
December 2004
Introduction and thesis outline
Model setup
Model setup
Eutrophication of shallow lakes
Modelling approach
Short description of PCLake
Eutrophication of ditches
Short description of PCDitch
Systematic model analysis
Fitting the dynamic lake model PCLake to a multi-lake survey through Bayesian
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis and calibration
Approach and methods
Sensitivity analysis of PCLake
Bayesian calibration of PClake
Confirmation on other lakes
Prediction uncertainty of the critical loading
Discussion and conclusions
A model of nutrient dynamics in shallow lakes in relation to multiple stable states
Critical nutrient loading of shallow lakes
Long-term dynamics
Effects of nutrient loading and initial conditions in an ‘average lake’
Critical loading for different lake types
Management implications
Setting critical nutrient values for ditches with the eutrophication model PCDitch
Modelling phosphorus fluxes in the hypertrophic Loosdrecht lakes
Modelling the eutrophication of the shallow Loosdrecht Lakes
A mathematical model of the phosphorus cycle in Lake Loosdrecht and
Modelling nutrient cycles in relation to food-web structure in a biomanipulated
A model study on the stability of the macrophyte-dominated clear-water state|
A model study on the role of wetland zones in lake eutrophication and restoration
A model of ditch vegetation in relation to eutrophication
Effects of eutrophication in drainage ditches
Appendix: Model description of PCLake and PCDitch
Curriculum vitae
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Publisher: Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena, Mahabodhi Centre, Leh, Ladakh, India
December 2004
Introduction and thesis outline
Model setup
Model setup
Eutrophication of shallow lakes
Modelling approach
Short description of PCLake
Eutrophication of ditches
Short description of PCDitch
Systematic model analysis
Fitting the dynamic lake model PCLake to a multi-lake survey through Bayesian
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis and calibration
Approach and methods
Sensitivity analysis of PCLake
Bayesian calibration of PClake
Confirmation on other lakes
Prediction uncertainty of the critical loading
Discussion and conclusions
A model of nutrient dynamics in shallow lakes in relation to multiple stable states
Critical nutrient loading of shallow lakes
Long-term dynamics
Effects of nutrient loading and initial conditions in an ‘average lake’
Critical loading for different lake types
Management implications
Setting critical nutrient values for ditches with the eutrophication model PCDitch
Modelling phosphorus fluxes in the hypertrophic Loosdrecht lakes
Modelling the eutrophication of the shallow Loosdrecht Lakes
A mathematical model of the phosphorus cycle in Lake Loosdrecht and
Modelling nutrient cycles in relation to food-web structure in a biomanipulated
A model study on the stability of the macrophyte-dominated clear-water state|
A model study on the role of wetland zones in lake eutrophication and restoration
A model of ditch vegetation in relation to eutrophication
Effects of eutrophication in drainage ditches
Appendix: Model description of PCLake and PCDitch
Curriculum vitae
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