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  • добавлен 25 июня 2011 г.
Issues over the Nature, Purpose, and Epistemology of Rhetorical Invention in the Twentieth Century
Interdisciplinary Contexts for the Revival of Invention:
Philosophical Studies.
Psychological Studies.
Literacy Studies.
The State of Invention at Mid-Twentieth Century.
Awakening Interest in Invention.
Early Studies of Invention: Mid-1960s to Mid-1970s:
Rhetoric as Epistemic.
New Invention Theories in Rhetoric and Composition.
Research on Invention.
Review: Early Studies of Invention.
New and Elaborated Theories of Invention: Mid-1970s to Mid-1980s:
Cognitive Invention.
Non-Rational Invention, Shaping, Imagining, and Forming.
Burkean Invention.
More on Classical Invention and Tagmemic Invention.
Further Discussions on Rhetoric as Epistemic.
Rhetorical Invention as Hermeneutics.
Critiques, Cautions, and Rejoinders.
Overviews of Inventional Theories.
Review: Elaborated Theories of Invention.
Diversi?ed Invention: Mid-1980s to the New Millennium:
nvention in the Disciplines.
Social Construction and Invention.
Counterstatements and Socio-Cognitive Invention.
Further Cognitive and Creativity Studies.
Deconstruction, Poststructuralism, Postmodeism, and Invention.
Critical Rhetoric.
Epistemic Rhetoric, the Third Discussion.
Cultural Critique.
nvention and Civic Discourse.
Feminist Invention.
nventional Diversity.
More on Hermeneutics.
Review: Diversif ied Invention.
nvention in the New Millennium.
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