Скомпилирован под версию: lingvo x5
Исходные файлы: есть Ver. 1.0 (red. 30.04.2014)
Number of headwords: 3712.
Number of entries: 3711.
Compiled to Lingvo by EdwART © 2014 SOURCE: http://www.euro.net/innovation/Finance_Base/Fin_encyc.html
Inteational Financial Encyclopaedia
Included are a number of Standard terms which are accepted by a major standards setting body such as the ISO (Inteational Standards Organisation). Many of the terms also include the specification of the length and type of the data allowed. For example:
3n means that the data is a three digit numeric code.
35x means that the data may be up to 35 (alphanumeric) characters long.
5*35x means that the data may be up to five fields of up to 35 (alphanumeric) characters long. В архиве, кроме скомпилированного LSD файла словаря (для Lingvo x5), находятся исходные файлы (*.dsl, *.ann, *.bmp), которые можно подключить к GoldenDict или использовать для компиляции в более ранних версиях Lingvo.
Исходные файлы: есть Ver. 1.0 (red. 30.04.2014)
Number of headwords: 3712.
Number of entries: 3711.
Compiled to Lingvo by EdwART © 2014 SOURCE: http://www.euro.net/innovation/Finance_Base/Fin_encyc.html
Inteational Financial Encyclopaedia
Included are a number of Standard terms which are accepted by a major standards setting body such as the ISO (Inteational Standards Organisation). Many of the terms also include the specification of the length and type of the data allowed. For example:
3n means that the data is a three digit numeric code.
35x means that the data may be up to 35 (alphanumeric) characters long.
5*35x means that the data may be up to five fields of up to 35 (alphanumeric) characters long. В архиве, кроме скомпилированного LSD файла словаря (для Lingvo x5), находятся исходные файлы (*.dsl, *.ann, *.bmp), которые можно подключить к GoldenDict или использовать для компиляции в более ранних версиях Lingvo.