Дэвид Икке в 1990-х годах пережил видение, и с тех пор он выступает
со своим пониманием Вселенной, которая, как он считает, является
глобальным фашистским государством, контролируемым
You are about to read a book by someone who will go wherever the
takes him and who, thanks to hard and extreme experience in the early 1990s, let go
the conce for what other people might think of him. And so we are going to enter
some apparently bizarre and outrageous areas of thought and documented
evidence. If you have a belief-system to defend, please don't waste your time and
money. This is not for you. But, in truth, what you are going to hear is not
outrageous at all. It just appears to be so because it is so different from the
conditioned "norm". Crazy and insane are words used throughout history to
describe people and ideas that are simply different. And different does not mean
wrong. So many condemned and ridiculed ideas in the past have later become
conventional wisdom.
takes him and who, thanks to hard and extreme experience in the early 1990s, let go
the conce for what other people might think of him. And so we are going to enter
some apparently bizarre and outrageous areas of thought and documented
evidence. If you have a belief-system to defend, please don't waste your time and
money. This is not for you. But, in truth, what you are going to hear is not
outrageous at all. It just appears to be so because it is so different from the
conditioned "norm". Crazy and insane are words used throughout history to
describe people and ideas that are simply different. And different does not mean
wrong. So many condemned and ridiculed ideas in the past have later become
conventional wisdom.