Podr?cznik studenta PO POLSKU 1 sk?ada si? z 20 rozdzia??w
zaplanowanych na ok. 120 jednostek lekcyjnych. Podr?cznik
1. teksty:
- autentyczne i wzorowane na autentycznych,
- wsp??czesne,
- opisuj?ce tematy populae, a tak?e nowe b?d? rzadko poruszane (m.in. rodzina, podr??e, firma, Inteet, sport, ?wi?ta religijne),
- opisuj?ce realia ?ycia w Polsce,
2. liczne i r??norodne ?wiczenia w systematyczny spos?b rozwijaj?ce 4 sprawno?ci: m?wienia, pisania, czytania i rozumienia ze s?uchu,
3. interesuj?ce krzy??wki, quizy i ?wiczenia wspomagaj?ce koncentracj? i proces zapami?tywania u ucz?cych si?,
4. bogaty materia? ilustracyjny ze wsp??czesnej Polski,
5. p?yt? CD z nagraniami do ka?dej le
book is composed of 20 chapters which include:
1. texts:
which are original,contemporary and
introduce subjects related to everyday life (among others, family, travelling, work, Inteet, sports, religious holidays)
and illustrate the reality of life in Poland.
2. numerous and varied exercises which systematically develop the four skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening.
3. motivating logical activities: quizzes and exercises which aid leaers in acquisition and the process of retention
4. materials rich in illustrations from mode-day Poland
1. teksty:
- autentyczne i wzorowane na autentycznych,
- wsp??czesne,
- opisuj?ce tematy populae, a tak?e nowe b?d? rzadko poruszane (m.in. rodzina, podr??e, firma, Inteet, sport, ?wi?ta religijne),
- opisuj?ce realia ?ycia w Polsce,
2. liczne i r??norodne ?wiczenia w systematyczny spos?b rozwijaj?ce 4 sprawno?ci: m?wienia, pisania, czytania i rozumienia ze s?uchu,
3. interesuj?ce krzy??wki, quizy i ?wiczenia wspomagaj?ce koncentracj? i proces zapami?tywania u ucz?cych si?,
4. bogaty materia? ilustracyjny ze wsp??czesnej Polski,
5. p?yt? CD z nagraniami do ka?dej le
book is composed of 20 chapters which include:
1. texts:
which are original,contemporary and
introduce subjects related to everyday life (among others, family, travelling, work, Inteet, sports, religious holidays)
and illustrate the reality of life in Poland.
2. numerous and varied exercises which systematically develop the four skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening.
3. motivating logical activities: quizzes and exercises which aid leaers in acquisition and the process of retention
4. materials rich in illustrations from mode-day Poland