John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2006. - 259 p. На англ. языке.
Это первая книга, в которой сведены все вопросы модификации древесины: термической и химической, обработка поверхности и пропитка, модификация свойств древесины, экологические вопросы обработки. This book will prove useful to all those with an interest in wood modification including researchers, technologists and professionals working in wood science and timber engineering, wood preservation, and well as professionals in the paper and pulp industries, and those with an interest in the development of renewable materials
Это первая книга, в которой сведены все вопросы модификации древесины: термической и химической, обработка поверхности и пропитка, модификация свойств древесины, экологические вопросы обработки. This book will prove useful to all those with an interest in wood modification including researchers, technologists and professionals working in wood science and timber engineering, wood preservation, and well as professionals in the paper and pulp industries, and those with an interest in the development of renewable materials