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Химия и химическая промышленность
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  • добавлен 07 ноября 2010 г.
Hiemenz P.C. Polymer Chemistry The Basic Concepts
Physical chemistry has been defined as that branch of science that is fundamental, molecular, and interesting. I have tried to write a polymer textbook that could be described tiffs way also. To tile extent out one subscribes to tile formed definition and that I have succeeded hi tile later objective, then tile approach of tiffs book is physical chemical. As a textbook, it is intended for students who have completed courses in physical and organic chemistry.
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Springer-Verlag, 2010. - 157 p. Oxireductases in the Enzymatic Synthesis of Water-Soluble Conducting Polymers Estibalitz Ochoteco and David Mecerreyes Transferases in Polymer Chemistry Jeroen van der Vlist and Katja Loos Hydrolases Part I: EnzymeMechanism, Selectivity and Control in the Synthesis ofWell-Defined Polymers Martijn A.J. Veld and Anja R.A. Palmans Hydrolases in Polymer Chemistry: Chemoenzymatic Approaches to Polymeric Materials ....

Chalmers J.M., Meuer R.J. (eds.) Molecular Characterization and Analysis of Polymers

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Doi M. Introduction to Polymer Physics

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Oxford University Press, USA, 1996. - 136 рages. Polymers are very large molecules consisting of many atoms covalently bonded like a chain. Their structure gives unique physical properties to polymer solutions. This outstanding textbook gives a clear and concise introduction to the modern theory of polymer physics. It describes basic concepts and methods and explains the statistical properties of the assembly of chain-like molecules; topics inclu...

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3rd edition – RSC Publishing, 2006. – 212 p. This book is a well established and highly readable introductory text book on polymer science, ideal for chemists requiring a broad introduction to the subject. Like its predecessors it has been written primarily from an applications point of view, emphasising practical applications and providing a comprehensive introduction on all aspects of polymer science including polymer synthesis, characterisati...

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Oxford University Press, 2003. - 454 pages. This is a polymer physics textbook for upper level undergraduates and first year graduate students. Any student with a working knowledge of calculus, physics and chemistry should be able to read this book. The essential tools of the polymer physical chemist or engineer are derived in this book without skipping any steps. The book is a self-contained treatise that could also serve as a useful reference...

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2nd ed. - Academic Press. 1999. 529 p. Tremendous developments in the field of polymer science, its growing importance, and an increase in the number of polymer science courses in both physics and chemistry departments have led to the revision of the First Edition. This new edition addresses subjects as spectroscopy (NMR), dynamic light scattering, and other modern techniques unknown before the publication of the First Edition. The Second Editio...

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