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  • добавлен 22 августа 2011 г.
Hewitt C.N., Jackson A.V. (editors) Atmospheric Science for Environmental Scientists
Wiley - Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2009, 319 pp. - ISBN 978-1-4051-8542-4
In the 1980s, observations of the removal of ozone from the polar stratosphere and rapid scientific advances in understanding the chemical behaviour of a group of pollutants containing halogens lead to inteational action to curb the emissions of these compounds, with a view to avoiding ozone depletion of the stratosphere. Twenty years later we are faced with an equally pressing issue, for we now observe, and scientifically understand, the phenomena of global warming and climate change.

List of contributors
List of abbreviations, constants and nomenclature
The climate of the Earth – (John Lockwood).
Chemical evolution of the atmosphere – (Richard Wayne).
Atmospheric energy and the structure of the atmosphere – (Hugh Сое).
Biogeochemical cycles – (Dudley Shallcross).
Tropospheric chemistry and air pollution – (Paul Monks and Roland Leigh).
Cloud formation and chemistry – (Peter Brimblecombe).
Particulate matter in the atmosphere – (Paul I. Williams and Urs Baltensperger).
Stratospheric chemistry and ozone depletion – (Rob MacKenzie).
Boundary layer meteorology and atmospheric dispersion – (Janet Barlow).
Urban air pollution – (Jes Fenger).
Global warming and climate change science – (Atul Jain).
Appendix: List of websites Index
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