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  • добавлен 10 февраля 2011 г.
Henry Vallius (ed.). Holocene sedimentary environment and sediment geochemistry of the Eastern Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 45. 2007. - 70 pages, 48 figures, 14 tables and
one appendix.
Отчёт по результатам выполнения совместного (Финляндия - Россия) проекта в области осадконакопления и геохимии осадков в Восточном заливе Финляндии (Балтийское море), а также связанными с ними угрозами и опасностями естественного и техногенного характера.
Первоисточник: www.gtk.fi
The joint Finnish-Russian project Sediment geochemistry and natural and anthropogenic hazards in the marine environment of the Gulf of Finland (SAMAGOL) aimed at filling a gap in knowledge of the environmental situation of the seafloor in the Easte Gulf of Finland. This publication contains five peer-reviewed papers based partly on old existing data combined with new data collected during the time-frame of the SAMAGOL project. The Quateary deposits of the seafloor of the Easte Gulf of Finland are described in the paper by Spiridonov et al. based on numerous
data conceing the structure, distribution, and lithology of the sediments. Also problems of correlation with Quateary deposits on land are discussed.
The Quateary deposits of the Easte Gulf of Finland
The influence of ferromanganese concretions-forming processes in the Easte Gulf of Finland
on the marine environment
Distribution of heavy metals and arsenic in soft surface sediments of the coastal area off Kotka,
North-Easte Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea
Seafloor anoxia and mode laminated sediments in coastal basins of the Easte Gulf of Finland,
Baltic Sea
Background concentrations of trace metals in mode muddy clays of Easte Gulf of Finland,
Baltic Sea