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  • добавлен 01 августа 2009 г.
Heckman C.C. Linear Programming: Beyond 4.2(Simplex Method)
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Arizona State University
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W.H. Freeman, 1983. - 485 pages. This book include some background in linear algebra and some experience with proof based mathematics. It makes a good subject for students to study as they are developing proof writing skills. The first 10 chapters of the book present the simplex method, the revised simplex method, duality theory, and sensitivity analysis. The remaining chapters of the book are largely independent, mostly focused on various...

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Publisher: Springer | 2007 | ISBN10: 3540736700 | 380 pages Based on earlier work by a variety of authors in the 1930s and 1940s, the simplex method for solving linear programming problems was developed in 1947 by the American mathematician George B. Dantzig. Helped by the computer revolution, it has been described by some as the overwhelmingly most significant mathematical development of the last century. Owing to the simplex method, linear prog...

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John Wiley & Sons, 2009. 813 p. 4th ed. ISBN 978-0-470-18352-6. Contents. Preface. Introduction to Optimization. Classical Optimization Techniques. Linear Programming I: Simplex Method. Linear Programming II: Additional Topics and Extensions. Nonlinear Programming I: One-Dimensional Minimization Methods. Nonlinear Programming II: Unconstrained Optimization Techniques. Nonlinear Programming III: Constrained Optimization Techniques. Geometric P...

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Vanderbei R.J. Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions

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