Amherst Media, Inc., 2003. — 112 p. — ISBN 1-58428-094-8.
На англ. языке.
Руководство по подготовке невест к свадебной фотосъемке, том числе: выбор стиля и цвета платья, букетов, мэйкапа, которые положительно влияют на результат съемки. The choice of wedding photography styles, packages, and vendors can be overwhelming for brides without a background in photography. This useful guide helps them make smart decisions every step of the way, from determining photo preferences and finding and communicating with the right photographer to choosing dress styles and colors, bouquets, and shades of makeup that positively impact portraits. Suggested time lines help brides stay organized and prepared, and budget advice safeguards the couple against costly mistakes. Tips for displaying images at the reception, creating thank-you albums and framed portraits for parents and bridal parties, proofing and ordering photos, and designing albums are provided.
На англ. языке.
Руководство по подготовке невест к свадебной фотосъемке, том числе: выбор стиля и цвета платья, букетов, мэйкапа, которые положительно влияют на результат съемки. The choice of wedding photography styles, packages, and vendors can be overwhelming for brides without a background in photography. This useful guide helps them make smart decisions every step of the way, from determining photo preferences and finding and communicating with the right photographer to choosing dress styles and colors, bouquets, and shades of makeup that positively impact portraits. Suggested time lines help brides stay organized and prepared, and budget advice safeguards the couple against costly mistakes. Tips for displaying images at the reception, creating thank-you albums and framed portraits for parents and bridal parties, proofing and ordering photos, and designing albums are provided.