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  • добавлен 27 марта 2012 г.
Hashimoto Mantaro J. The Hakka Dialect: A Linguistic Study of Its Phonology, Syntax and Lexicon
Cambridge University Press, 1973, 580 p.
ISBN 0 521 20037 7
Язык - английский.
В исследовании детально описана современная и историческая фонология диалектов хакка.
The importance of Hak Ga is investigated through its connections to Ancient Chinese. There are a considerable amount of transcribed phonetic words and full sentences representing the Moi Yen dialect. Phonetic transcription also include the tones markings. Chinese characters in the traditional rhyming lists set in the style of older chinese dictionaries is provided. The aim of this is to show phonetic relationships with Ancient Chinese and Hak Ga.
Hakka phonolgy
Historical phonology
Characteristics of the Hakka dialects
Hakka syntax
Hakka vocabulary
Качество: скан разворотами, среднее разрешение.