Springer, 2011, 1578с.
Энциклопедия по геофизике Земли
Язык: English
Первое издание энциклопедии по геофизике земли было издано в 1989 издательской компанией Вана Ностранда Реинхолда. Более двадцати лет спустя, это новое издание, отредактированное профессором Харшом К. Гупта, представляет полностью пересмотренную и расширенную работу.
Энциклопедия объединяет более 200 статей, охватывающих уже установленные и новые концепции геофизики из различных разделов науки, таких как геодезия, геомагнетизм, сейсмология, глубинные земные процессы, тектоника плит, вычислительные методы, и т.д. в систематическом и последовательном формате. Это авторитетный источник информации благодаря вкладу редакторов и авторов со всего света, предназначенный для нынешних и будущих поколений профессионалов.
The past few decades have witnessed the growth of the Earth Sciences in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the planet that we live on. This development addresses the challenging endeavor to enrich human lives with the bounties of Nature as well as to preserve the planet for the generations to come. Solid Earth Geophysics aspires to define and quantify the inteal structure and processes of the Earth in terms of the principles of physics and forms the intrinsic framework, which other allied disciplines utilize for more specific investigations. The first edition of the Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics was published in 1989 by Van Nostrand Reinhold publishing company. More than two decades later, this new volume, edited by Prof. Harsh K. Gupta, represents a thoroughly revised and expanded reference work. It brings together more than 200 articles covering established and new concepts of Geophysics across the various sub-disciplines such as Gravity, Geodesy, Geomagnetism, Seismology, Seismics, Deep Earth Processes, Plate Tectonics, Thermal Domains, Computational Methods, etc. in a systematic and consistent format and standard. It is an authoritative and current reference source with extraordinary width of scope. It draws its unique strength from the expert contributions of editors and authors across the globe. It is designed to serve as a valuable and cherished source of information for current and future generations of professionals.
Contributors xiii.
Preface xxxv.
Acknowledgments xxxvii.
Absolute Age Determinations: Radiometric.
Artificial Water Reservoir Triggered Earthquakes.
Body Waves.
Characteristic Earthquakes and Seismic Gaps.
Continental Drift.
Continental Rifts.
Core Dynamo.
Core-Mantle Coupling.
Crustal Reflectivity (Oceanic) and Magma Chamber.
Curie Temperature.
Deep Scientific Drilling.
Deep Seismic Reflection and Refraction Profiling.
Differential Rotation of the Earth’s Inner Core.
Earth Rotation.
Earth Tides.
Earth, Density Distribution.
Earth’s Structure, Core.
Earth’s Structure, Continental Crust.
Earth’s Structure, Global.
Earth’s Structure, Lower Mantle.
Earth’s Structure, Upper Mantle.
Earthquake Lights.
Earthquake Precursors and Prediction.
Earthquake Prediction, M8 Algorithm.
Earthquake Rupture: Inverse Problem.
Earthquake Sounds.
Earthquake, Aftershocks.
Earthquake, Focal Mechanism.
Earthquake, Foreshocks.
Earthquake, Location Techniques.
Earthquake, Magnitude.
Earthquakes and Crustal Deformation.
Earthquakes, Early and Strong Motion Waing.
Earthquakes, Energy.
Earthquakes, Intensity.
Earthquakes, PAGER.
Earthquakes, Shake Map.
Earthquakes, Source Theory.
Earthquakes, Strong-Ground Motion.
Earthquakes, Volcanogenic.
Electrical Properties of Rocks.
Electronic Geophysical Year.
Energy Budget of the Earth.
Energy Partitioning of Seismic Waves.
Equatorial Electrojet.
Fractals and Chaos.
Free Oscillations of the Earth.
Geodesy, Figure of the Earth.
Geodesy, Ground Positioning and Leveling.
Geodesy, Networks and Reference Systems.
Geodesy, Physical.
Broad Band.
Geoid Determination, Theory and Principles.
Geoid Undulation, Interpretation.
Geoid, Computational Method.
Geomagnetic Excursions.
Geomagnetic Field, Global Patte.
Geomagnetic Field, IGRF.
Geomagnetic Field, Measurement Techniques.
Geomagnetic Field, Polarity Reversals.
Geomagnetic Field, Secular Variation.
Geomagnetic Field, Theory.
Geophysical Well Logging.
Geothermal Heat Pumps.
Geothermal Record of Climate Change.
GPS, Data Acquisition and Analysis.
GPS, Tectonic Geodesy.
Gravity Anomalies, Interpretation.
Gravity Data, Advanced Processing.
Gravity Data, Regional – Residual Separation.
Gravity Field of the Earth.
Gravity Measurements, Absolute.
Gravity Method, Airboe.
Gravity Method, Principles.
Gravity Method, Satellite.
Gravity Method, Surface.
Gravity Modeling, Theory and Computation.
Gravity, Data to Anomalies.
Gravity, Global Models.
Gravity, Gradiometry.
Great Earthquakes.
Heat Flow Measurements, Continental.
Heat Flow, Continental.
Heat Flow, Seafloor: Methods and Observations.
Impact Craters on Earth.
Instrumentation, Electrical Resistivity.
Instrumentation, EM.
Inteational Geophysical Year.
Inteational Gravity Formula.
Inteational Polar Year 2007–2008.
Inteational Year of Planet Earth.
Inverse Theory, Artificial Neural Networks.
Inverse Theory, Global Optimization.
Inverse Theory, Linear.
Inverse Theory, Monte Carlo Method.
Inverse Theory, Singular Value Decomposition.
Isostasy, Thermal.
Legal Continental Shelf.
Lithosphere, Continental.
Lithosphere, Continental: Thermal Structure.
Lithosphere, Mechanical Properties.
Lithosphere, Oceanic.
Lithosphere, Oceanic: Thermal Structure.
Magnetic Anisotropy.
Magnetic Anomalies, Interpretation.
Magnetic Domains.
Magnetic Gradiometry.
Magnetic Methods, Airboe.
Magnetic Methods, Principles.
Magnetic Methods, Satellite.
Magnetic Methods, Surface.
Magnetic Modeling, Theory and Computation.
Magnetic Storms and Electromagnetic Pulsations.
Magnetic, Global Anomaly Map.
Magnetotelluric Data Processing.
Magnetotelluric Interpretation.
Magnetovariation Studies.
Mantle Convection.
Mantle D00 Layer.
Mantle Plumes.
Mantle Viscosity.
Numerical Methods, Boundary Element.
Numerical Methods, Domain Decomposition.
Numerical Methods, Finite Difference.
Numerical Methods, Finite Element.
Numerical Methods, Multigrid.
Ocean Bottom Seismics.
Ocean, Spreading Centre.
Indian Ocean Basin.
Paleomagnetic Field Intensity.
Paleomagnetism, Magnetostratigraphy.
Paleomagnetism, Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation.
Paleomagnetism, Polar Wander.
Paleomagnetism, Principles.
Plate Driving Forces.
Plate Motions in Time: Inferences on Driving and Resisting Forces.
Plate Tectonics, Precambrian.
Plates and Paleoreconstructions.
Propagation of Elastic Waves: Fundamentals.
Radioactivity in Earth’s Core.
Radiogenic Heat Production of Rocks.
Remanent Magnetism.
Remote Sensing, Applications to Geophysics.
SAR Interferometry.
Satellite Laser Ranging.
Seafloor Spreading.
Sedimentary Basins.
Seismic Anisotropy.
Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing.
Seismic Diffraction.
Seismic Discontinuities in the Transition Zone.
Seismic Hazard.
Seismic Imaging, Overview.
Seismic Instrumentation.
Seismic Microzonation.
Seismic Monitoring of Nuclear Explosions.
Seismic Noise.
Seismic Phase Names: IASPEI Standard.
Seismic Properties of Rocks.
Seismic Quiescence and Activation.
Seismic Seiches.
Seismic Signals in Well Observations: Pre, Co, Post.
Seismic Structure at Mid-Ocean Ridges.
Seismic Tomography.
Seismic Velocity-Density Relationships.
Seismic Velocity-Temperature Relationships.
Seismic Wave Propagation in Real Media:
Numerical Modeling Approaches.
Seismic Waves, Scattering.
Seismic Zonation.
Seismic, Ambient Noise Correlation.
Seismic, Migration.
Seismic, Ray Theory.
Seismic, Receiver Function Technique.
Seismic, Reflectivity Method.
Seismic, Viscoelastic Attenuation.
Seismic, Waveform Modeling and Tomography.
Seismicity, Intraplate.
Seismicity, Subduction Zone.
Seismogram Interpretation.
Seismological Networks.
Seismology, Global Earthquake Model.
Seismology, Monitoring of CTBT.
Seismology, Rotational.
Shear-Wave Splitting: New Geophysics and Earthquake Stress-Forecasting.
Single and Multichannel Seismics.
Slow Earthquake.
Spherical Harmonic Analysis Applied to Potential Fields.
Statistical Seismology.
Subduction Zones.
Surface Waves.
T Waves.
Thermal Storage and Transport Properties of Rocks, I: Heat Capacity and Latent Heat.
Thermal Storage and Transport Properties of Rocks, II: Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity.
Time Reversal in Seismology.
Traveltime Tomography Using Controlled-Source Seismic Data.
Tsunami: Bay of Bengal.
Tsunami Watch and Waing Centers.
Vertical Seismic Profiling.
Very Long Baseline Interferometry.
Wavelet Analysis.
Author Index.
Subject Index.
Энциклопедия по геофизике Земли
Язык: English
Первое издание энциклопедии по геофизике земли было издано в 1989 издательской компанией Вана Ностранда Реинхолда. Более двадцати лет спустя, это новое издание, отредактированное профессором Харшом К. Гупта, представляет полностью пересмотренную и расширенную работу.
Энциклопедия объединяет более 200 статей, охватывающих уже установленные и новые концепции геофизики из различных разделов науки, таких как геодезия, геомагнетизм, сейсмология, глубинные земные процессы, тектоника плит, вычислительные методы, и т.д. в систематическом и последовательном формате. Это авторитетный источник информации благодаря вкладу редакторов и авторов со всего света, предназначенный для нынешних и будущих поколений профессионалов.
The past few decades have witnessed the growth of the Earth Sciences in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the planet that we live on. This development addresses the challenging endeavor to enrich human lives with the bounties of Nature as well as to preserve the planet for the generations to come. Solid Earth Geophysics aspires to define and quantify the inteal structure and processes of the Earth in terms of the principles of physics and forms the intrinsic framework, which other allied disciplines utilize for more specific investigations. The first edition of the Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics was published in 1989 by Van Nostrand Reinhold publishing company. More than two decades later, this new volume, edited by Prof. Harsh K. Gupta, represents a thoroughly revised and expanded reference work. It brings together more than 200 articles covering established and new concepts of Geophysics across the various sub-disciplines such as Gravity, Geodesy, Geomagnetism, Seismology, Seismics, Deep Earth Processes, Plate Tectonics, Thermal Domains, Computational Methods, etc. in a systematic and consistent format and standard. It is an authoritative and current reference source with extraordinary width of scope. It draws its unique strength from the expert contributions of editors and authors across the globe. It is designed to serve as a valuable and cherished source of information for current and future generations of professionals.
Contributors xiii.
Preface xxxv.
Acknowledgments xxxvii.
Absolute Age Determinations: Radiometric.
Artificial Water Reservoir Triggered Earthquakes.
Body Waves.
Characteristic Earthquakes and Seismic Gaps.
Continental Drift.
Continental Rifts.
Core Dynamo.
Core-Mantle Coupling.
Crustal Reflectivity (Oceanic) and Magma Chamber.
Curie Temperature.
Deep Scientific Drilling.
Deep Seismic Reflection and Refraction Profiling.
Differential Rotation of the Earth’s Inner Core.
Earth Rotation.
Earth Tides.
Earth, Density Distribution.
Earth’s Structure, Core.
Earth’s Structure, Continental Crust.
Earth’s Structure, Global.
Earth’s Structure, Lower Mantle.
Earth’s Structure, Upper Mantle.
Earthquake Lights.
Earthquake Precursors and Prediction.
Earthquake Prediction, M8 Algorithm.
Earthquake Rupture: Inverse Problem.
Earthquake Sounds.
Earthquake, Aftershocks.
Earthquake, Focal Mechanism.
Earthquake, Foreshocks.
Earthquake, Location Techniques.
Earthquake, Magnitude.
Earthquakes and Crustal Deformation.
Earthquakes, Early and Strong Motion Waing.
Earthquakes, Energy.
Earthquakes, Intensity.
Earthquakes, PAGER.
Earthquakes, Shake Map.
Earthquakes, Source Theory.
Earthquakes, Strong-Ground Motion.
Earthquakes, Volcanogenic.
Electrical Properties of Rocks.
Electronic Geophysical Year.
Energy Budget of the Earth.
Energy Partitioning of Seismic Waves.
Equatorial Electrojet.
Fractals and Chaos.
Free Oscillations of the Earth.
Geodesy, Figure of the Earth.
Geodesy, Ground Positioning and Leveling.
Geodesy, Networks and Reference Systems.
Geodesy, Physical.
Broad Band.
Geoid Determination, Theory and Principles.
Geoid Undulation, Interpretation.
Geoid, Computational Method.
Geomagnetic Excursions.
Geomagnetic Field, Global Patte.
Geomagnetic Field, IGRF.
Geomagnetic Field, Measurement Techniques.
Geomagnetic Field, Polarity Reversals.
Geomagnetic Field, Secular Variation.
Geomagnetic Field, Theory.
Geophysical Well Logging.
Geothermal Heat Pumps.
Geothermal Record of Climate Change.
GPS, Data Acquisition and Analysis.
GPS, Tectonic Geodesy.
Gravity Anomalies, Interpretation.
Gravity Data, Advanced Processing.
Gravity Data, Regional – Residual Separation.
Gravity Field of the Earth.
Gravity Measurements, Absolute.
Gravity Method, Airboe.
Gravity Method, Principles.
Gravity Method, Satellite.
Gravity Method, Surface.
Gravity Modeling, Theory and Computation.
Gravity, Data to Anomalies.
Gravity, Global Models.
Gravity, Gradiometry.
Great Earthquakes.
Heat Flow Measurements, Continental.
Heat Flow, Continental.
Heat Flow, Seafloor: Methods and Observations.
Impact Craters on Earth.
Instrumentation, Electrical Resistivity.
Instrumentation, EM.
Inteational Geophysical Year.
Inteational Gravity Formula.
Inteational Polar Year 2007–2008.
Inteational Year of Planet Earth.
Inverse Theory, Artificial Neural Networks.
Inverse Theory, Global Optimization.
Inverse Theory, Linear.
Inverse Theory, Monte Carlo Method.
Inverse Theory, Singular Value Decomposition.
Isostasy, Thermal.
Legal Continental Shelf.
Lithosphere, Continental.
Lithosphere, Continental: Thermal Structure.
Lithosphere, Mechanical Properties.
Lithosphere, Oceanic.
Lithosphere, Oceanic: Thermal Structure.
Magnetic Anisotropy.
Magnetic Anomalies, Interpretation.
Magnetic Domains.
Magnetic Gradiometry.
Magnetic Methods, Airboe.
Magnetic Methods, Principles.
Magnetic Methods, Satellite.
Magnetic Methods, Surface.
Magnetic Modeling, Theory and Computation.
Magnetic Storms and Electromagnetic Pulsations.
Magnetic, Global Anomaly Map.
Magnetotelluric Data Processing.
Magnetotelluric Interpretation.
Magnetovariation Studies.
Mantle Convection.
Mantle D00 Layer.
Mantle Plumes.
Mantle Viscosity.
Numerical Methods, Boundary Element.
Numerical Methods, Domain Decomposition.
Numerical Methods, Finite Difference.
Numerical Methods, Finite Element.
Numerical Methods, Multigrid.
Ocean Bottom Seismics.
Ocean, Spreading Centre.
Indian Ocean Basin.
Paleomagnetic Field Intensity.
Paleomagnetism, Magnetostratigraphy.
Paleomagnetism, Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation.
Paleomagnetism, Polar Wander.
Paleomagnetism, Principles.
Plate Driving Forces.
Plate Motions in Time: Inferences on Driving and Resisting Forces.
Plate Tectonics, Precambrian.
Plates and Paleoreconstructions.
Propagation of Elastic Waves: Fundamentals.
Radioactivity in Earth’s Core.
Radiogenic Heat Production of Rocks.
Remanent Magnetism.
Remote Sensing, Applications to Geophysics.
SAR Interferometry.
Satellite Laser Ranging.
Seafloor Spreading.
Sedimentary Basins.
Seismic Anisotropy.
Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing.
Seismic Diffraction.
Seismic Discontinuities in the Transition Zone.
Seismic Hazard.
Seismic Imaging, Overview.
Seismic Instrumentation.
Seismic Microzonation.
Seismic Monitoring of Nuclear Explosions.
Seismic Noise.
Seismic Phase Names: IASPEI Standard.
Seismic Properties of Rocks.
Seismic Quiescence and Activation.
Seismic Seiches.
Seismic Signals in Well Observations: Pre, Co, Post.
Seismic Structure at Mid-Ocean Ridges.
Seismic Tomography.
Seismic Velocity-Density Relationships.
Seismic Velocity-Temperature Relationships.
Seismic Wave Propagation in Real Media:
Numerical Modeling Approaches.
Seismic Waves, Scattering.
Seismic Zonation.
Seismic, Ambient Noise Correlation.
Seismic, Migration.
Seismic, Ray Theory.
Seismic, Receiver Function Technique.
Seismic, Reflectivity Method.
Seismic, Viscoelastic Attenuation.
Seismic, Waveform Modeling and Tomography.
Seismicity, Intraplate.
Seismicity, Subduction Zone.
Seismogram Interpretation.
Seismological Networks.
Seismology, Global Earthquake Model.
Seismology, Monitoring of CTBT.
Seismology, Rotational.
Shear-Wave Splitting: New Geophysics and Earthquake Stress-Forecasting.
Single and Multichannel Seismics.
Slow Earthquake.
Spherical Harmonic Analysis Applied to Potential Fields.
Statistical Seismology.
Subduction Zones.
Surface Waves.
T Waves.
Thermal Storage and Transport Properties of Rocks, I: Heat Capacity and Latent Heat.
Thermal Storage and Transport Properties of Rocks, II: Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity.
Time Reversal in Seismology.
Traveltime Tomography Using Controlled-Source Seismic Data.
Tsunami: Bay of Bengal.
Tsunami Watch and Waing Centers.
Vertical Seismic Profiling.
Very Long Baseline Interferometry.
Wavelet Analysis.
Author Index.
Subject Index.