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  • добавлен 22 октября 2013 г.
Hacker5 2013 №36 Октябрь
Hacker5 is a monthly magazine which provides you with the latest happenings in the Cyber world. We a group of Joualists and ethical hackers have started the magazine named Hackers 5 which talks about Indian Cyber World. The editor of this magazine is also the author of the book Cattechie, she has written the book Cyber Terror (Cattechie- Vaidehi Sachin).
It focuses on the current issue where India is facing danger and has to face the biggest challenge with cyber security and its conces. It is a magazine which throws light on the different aspects of
The evolution of cyber world, new technologies & latest hacking techniques has introduced great opportunity and significant risk to our lives. Everyone from IT personals, youth & common users are confronted by complex and critical choices of ethics and responsibility for which they may be little prepared. Hacker5 presents the reality of those choices and their consequences.
HACKER5 directly addresses the key issues to influence youth, IT personals & common users towards personal safety and socially acceptable use of cyber tools. The main objective of HACKER5 is to help the user to understand how cyber world, new technologies & latest hacking techniques contribute to their lives and to the lives of their family, community, nation and society. HACKER5 concentrates to understand individual and corporate responsibilities for maintaining the integrity and availability of cyber commerce.
It also focuses on Cyber Awareness & understanding the ethical considerations associated with the use of cyber technologies. Our motive is to expose hidden & underground threats mainly caused by using Inteet & to spread awareness among the people.
We are continuously adhering to all latest and innovative cyber technologies as these technologies has dramatically increased our thirst for computers, smartphones, and other digital solutions & have exposed us for more risk & threats. Our Nation’s growing dependence on cyber world, information technology, the increasing cyber attacks and loss of privacy has given rise to the need for greater security of our digital networks and infrastructures. Here, HACKER5 is the answer to all these conces.
HACKER5 emphasizes to build ethical & secure digital infrastructures.