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  • добавлен 13 октября 2011 г.
Griffel W. Plate Formulas
Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1968, 197 Pages

This book presents a series of tables containing computed data for use in the design of comporlents of structures which can be idealized as llat, circular, rectangular, square, triangular and elliptical plates. A total of 139 tabulated cases with most common, and some not so common' loadings and supports typical of those encountered in design-cover the subject of "Plate Formulas" quite thoroughly. In addition, the book contains a detailed treatment of large deflections of plates which many referonce books ignore completely, although such deflections are frequently met with in practice. This is the case where the deflections are of the order of magnitude of the thickness.
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Shanmugam N.E., Wang C.M. (Eds.) Analysis and Design of Plated Structures: Volume 2: Dynamics

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  • размер 10.72 МБ
  • добавлен 12 декабря 2011 г.
CRC Press, Woodhead Publishing Limited and Maney Publishing Limited, 2007, 480 pages A concise review of the most recent research and how it can be used in the field, with a panel of distinguished editors and a team of international contributors, this book is an invaluable reference source. It discusses the modeling of plates for effects such as transverse shear deformation and rotary inertia, assembly of plates in forming thin-walled members,...