2nd edition. — New York: Chapman&Hall, 1994. — 286 p.
В первой части книги — главы об изучении геологического
строения планет Солнечной системы, геоморфологических процессах на
их поверхности, а также "планетарных ландшафтах" Луны, Меркурия и
Венеры (страницы 1 — 152).
This introduction to planetary geology concentrates on the surface
features of the planets and satellites of our Solar System. The
author first discusses the primary processes that shape our planet,
Earth, and the geomorphology of the objects in the Solar System.
The second edition includes new information about Venus and a new
chapter on Neptune. The book is beautifully illustrated with
high-resolution black-and-white photographs from recent space
probes and orbiting spacecraft, and with explanatory diagrams. Each
chapter starts with a description of the general physiography and
terrain units, then the geomorphic processes that created them are
discussed. Finally a synopsis of the geologic evolution of the
surface is given. The selected references at the end include
original papers, review articles and books.