Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd, 2002 – 440 с. ISBN:0-7513-37323
(на английском языке)
История авиации и космонавтики за последние сто лет.
Богато-иллюстрированная энциклопедия, посвящённая истории авиации.
Produced in association with the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, this volume of capsule histories and archival images traces the history of flight with all the sepia-toned authority of a public broadcasting documentary. Offering thumbnail profiles of aviation heroes and inventors and a plethora of diagrams and photos, the oversized tome straddles the line between something to put on a coffee table and something to give to a panting, preteen armchair pilot.
История авиации и космонавтики за последние сто лет.
Богато-иллюстрированная энциклопедия, посвящённая истории авиации.
Produced in association with the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, this volume of capsule histories and archival images traces the history of flight with all the sepia-toned authority of a public broadcasting documentary. Offering thumbnail profiles of aviation heroes and inventors and a plethora of diagrams and photos, the oversized tome straddles the line between something to put on a coffee table and something to give to a panting, preteen armchair pilot.