7th ed. — John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011. — 1123 p.
Одно из самых популярных пособий по кулинарным технологиям для
начинающих и практикующих поваров. В 7-м издании - более 200 новых
фотографий, более сотни новых рецептов, отражены новые научные
достижения, разьяснены сложные (для студентов) вопросы кулинарных
расчетов. Включает библиографические ссылки и индекс.
Study from the best for guaranteed career success! Wayne Gisslen's
Professional Cooking has led the way as simply the best
resource for new and practicing chefs! It is the
best-selling undergraduate food preparation textbook in the
With its clear and effective approach to mastering basic skills and concepts through understanding and practice, Professional Cooking has eaed a permanent place in the lives of millions of chefs whose careers it has helped launch. Wayne Gisslen's reputation for being able to simply, yet comprehensively, communicate information to beginning chefs is unsurpassed.
With its clear and effective approach to mastering basic skills and concepts through understanding and practice, Professional Cooking has eaed a permanent place in the lives of millions of chefs whose careers it has helped launch. Wayne Gisslen's reputation for being able to simply, yet comprehensively, communicate information to beginning chefs is unsurpassed.