Brooks/Cole, Cengage Leaing, 2010, 1182 pages
Master the fundamental concepts of physics with COLLEGE PHYSICS: REASONING & RELATIONSHIPS. The theme of "reasoning and relationships," reinforced throughout the text, helps you master these concepts, apply them to solve a variety of problems, and appreciate the relevance of physics to your intended career and your everyday life. By understanding the reasoning behind problem solving, you'll lea to recognize the concepts involved, think critically about them, and move beyond merely memorizing facts and equations.
Motion, Forces, and Newton’s Laws
Forces and Motion in One Dimension
Forces and Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Circular Motion and Gravitation
Work and Energy
Momentum, Impulse, and Collisions
Rotational Motion
Energy and Momentum of Rotational Motion
Harmonic Motion and Elasticity
Temperature and Heat
Gases and Kinetic Theory
Electric Forces and Fields
Electric Potential
Electric Currents and Circuits
Magnetic Fields and Forces
Magnetic Induction
Alteating-Current Circuits and Machines
Electromagnetic Waves
Geometrical Optics
Wave Optics
Applications of Optics
Quantum Theory
Atomic Theory
Nuclear Physics
Physics in the 21st Century
Master the fundamental concepts of physics with COLLEGE PHYSICS: REASONING & RELATIONSHIPS. The theme of "reasoning and relationships," reinforced throughout the text, helps you master these concepts, apply them to solve a variety of problems, and appreciate the relevance of physics to your intended career and your everyday life. By understanding the reasoning behind problem solving, you'll lea to recognize the concepts involved, think critically about them, and move beyond merely memorizing facts and equations.
Motion, Forces, and Newton’s Laws
Forces and Motion in One Dimension
Forces and Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
Circular Motion and Gravitation
Work and Energy
Momentum, Impulse, and Collisions
Rotational Motion
Energy and Momentum of Rotational Motion
Harmonic Motion and Elasticity
Temperature and Heat
Gases and Kinetic Theory
Electric Forces and Fields
Electric Potential
Electric Currents and Circuits
Magnetic Fields and Forces
Magnetic Induction
Alteating-Current Circuits and Machines
Electromagnetic Waves
Geometrical Optics
Wave Optics
Applications of Optics
Quantum Theory
Atomic Theory
Nuclear Physics
Physics in the 21st Century