Издательство Academic Press, 1968, -173 pp.
This monograph is intended to provide a graduate student and a newcomer to the field with ideas, methods, and results of algebraic theory of automata ; nevertheless, people working in the area may find the book useful, too, especially the chapters about regular expressions and the decomposition theory of Krohn and Rhodes.
The book can serve as a text for a one-semester course in Automata Theory.
The contents of the monograph need not be discussed here (see the Table of Contents) but for the following two remarks :
1. The purpose of Chapter 1 is to enable the reader with a weaker algebraic preparation to study the book without too many detours to an algebra text.
2. The limited scope of the publication and the desire to cover the topics with appropriate depth excluded automatically some aspects of the subject; the choice was largely biased by the author's personal interests.
The relational representation of automata is used in this book. Coupled with several additional techniques it proves to be a very convenient tool to deal with the theory of finite automata. Many results allow shorter and simpler proofs, and new insight is often gained. The regular expressions are treated by means of transition graphs and tables of derivatives, thus avoiding the usual quite cumbersome algebraic manipulations.
The bibliography contains mainly titles that are referred to directly.
Algebraic Preliminaries
Recognizers (Rabin-Scott Automata)
Regular Expressions
Coverings of Automata
Covering by Permutation and Reset Semiautomata
The Theory of Krohn and Rhodes
This monograph is intended to provide a graduate student and a newcomer to the field with ideas, methods, and results of algebraic theory of automata ; nevertheless, people working in the area may find the book useful, too, especially the chapters about regular expressions and the decomposition theory of Krohn and Rhodes.
The book can serve as a text for a one-semester course in Automata Theory.
The contents of the monograph need not be discussed here (see the Table of Contents) but for the following two remarks :
1. The purpose of Chapter 1 is to enable the reader with a weaker algebraic preparation to study the book without too many detours to an algebra text.
2. The limited scope of the publication and the desire to cover the topics with appropriate depth excluded automatically some aspects of the subject; the choice was largely biased by the author's personal interests.
The relational representation of automata is used in this book. Coupled with several additional techniques it proves to be a very convenient tool to deal with the theory of finite automata. Many results allow shorter and simpler proofs, and new insight is often gained. The regular expressions are treated by means of transition graphs and tables of derivatives, thus avoiding the usual quite cumbersome algebraic manipulations.
The bibliography contains mainly titles that are referred to directly.
Algebraic Preliminaries
Recognizers (Rabin-Scott Automata)
Regular Expressions
Coverings of Automata
Covering by Permutation and Reset Semiautomata
The Theory of Krohn and Rhodes