Security Studies 5, no. 3, 1996, pp. 3-26
Статья Роберта Гилпина об одной из основополагающих теорий политики. Автор рассматривает реализм и его ключевые компоненты. Sincе the demise of Marxism, political realism has come under increasing attack from many political liberals.It is almost as if, having defeated their opponents on the left, liberals have now tued their assault rightward to the third most important contender for intellectual hegemony in the arena of inteational affairs
Статья Роберта Гилпина об одной из основополагающих теорий политики. Автор рассматривает реализм и его ключевые компоненты. Sincе the demise of Marxism, political realism has come under increasing attack from many political liberals.It is almost as if, having defeated their opponents on the left, liberals have now tued their assault rightward to the third most important contender for intellectual hegemony in the arena of inteational affairs