Уникальное научное издание о приемниках цифровой радиосвязи
существенно отличается от других книг по технике цифровой связи,
здесь подробно рассмотрены вопросы оценки канала, синхронизации,
цифровой обработки сигнала, алгоритмов канала с замираниями и
Эффективное применение знаний о состоянии канала и параметрах синхронизации позволяет приблизить производительность радиоканала к предельным с точки зрения теории значениям, поскольку все устройства передачи данных требуют максимального использования доступной пропускной способности, а это возможно только при использовании цифровых систем связи. Сегодня реализация таких систем стала возможной благодаря огромному прогрессу в полупроводниковой технологии, которая позволила:
1. Расширить алгоритмы сжатия для использования низкоскоростных каналов передачи данных, необходимых для передачи голоса или видео с высоким качеством.
2. Применить в приемнике сложные алгоритмы управления питанием, оценки канала,
синхронизации, кодирования и декодирования.
3. Внедрить комплекс протоколов для управления трафиком в сети.
4. Внедрить простой и удобный графический интерфейс "человек-машина".
Издательство John Wiley & Sons, англ. яз. , 1998г. , 843 стр.
Книга состоит из следующих основных частей.
Basic Material.
Stationary and Cyclostationary Processes.
Complex Envelope Representation.
Band-Limited Signals.
Fundamentals of Estimation Theory.
Baseband Communications.
ntroduction to Digital Baseband Communication.
Clock Synchronizers.
Error-Tracking Synchronizers.
Spectral Line Generating Clock Synchronizers.
Examples (The Squaring,Synchronizer, Synchronizer with Zero-Crossing, Timing Error Detector,The Mueller and Muller Synchronizer).
Passband Transmission.
Transmission Methods.
Channel and Transceiver Models.
Channel Capacity of Multilevel/Phase Signals.
Receiver Structure for PAM Signals.
Functional Block Diagram of a Receiver for PAM Signal.
Sufficient Statistics for Reception in Gaussian Noise.
Optimum ML Receivers.
Synthesis of Synchronization Algorithms.
Derivation of ML Synchronization Algorithms.
Estimator Structures for Slowly Varying Synchronization Parameters.
NDA Timing Parameter Estimation.
NDA Timing Parameter Estimation by Spectral Estimation.
DA (DD) Timing Parameter Estimators.
Timing Error Feedback Systems at Higher Than Symbol Rate.
Timing Error Feedback Systems at Symbol Rate.
(DD&D&) Carrier Phasor Estimation and Phase Error Feedback.
Phasor-Locked Loop (PHLL).
NDA Carrier Phasor Estimation and Phase Error Feedback Systems for M-PSK.
Phase and Timing Recovery for Nonlinear Modulation Schemes.
Performance Analysis of Synchronizers.
Bounds on Synchronization Parameter Errors.
Appendix: Fisher Information Matrix.
Tracking Performance of Carrier and Symbol Synchronizers.
Cycle LC.
Acquisition of Carrier Phase and Symbol Timing.
Bit Error Rate Degradation Caused by Random.
Tracking Errors.
ML Detection of Data Symbols.
Derivation of an Approximate Expression for BER Degradation.
M-PSK Signal Constellation.
M-PAM and /l&QAM Signal Constellations.
Coded Transmission.
Main Points.
Bibliographical Notes.
Frequency Estimation.
ntroduction/Classification of Frequency Control Systems.
Frequency Estimator Operating Independently of Timing Information.
Frequency Error Feedback Systems Operating Independently of Timing Information.
Frequency Estimators Operating with Timing information.
Frequency Error Feedback Systems Operating with Timing Information.
Frequency Estimators for MSK Signals.
Performance Analysis.
Bibliographical Notes.
Timing Adjustment by Interpolation.
Digital Interpolation.
nterpolator Control.
DSP System Implementation.
Digital Signal Processing Hardware.
DSP System Hardware-Software Co-Design.
Quantization and Number Representation.
ASIC Design Case Study.
Bit Error Performance of the DVB Chip.
CAD Tools and Design Methodology.
Topics Not Covered.
Bibliography Notes on Convolutional Coding and Decoding.
Bibliography Notes on Reed-Solomon Decoders.
Characterization, Modeling, and Simulation of Linear Fading Channels.
Digital Transmission over Continuous-Time and Discrete-Equivalent Fading Channels.
Modeling and Simulation of Discrete-Equivalent Fading Channels.
Bibliographical Notes.
Detection and Parameter Synchronization on Fading Channels.
Fading Channel Transmission Models and.
Synchronization Parameters 631.
Optimal Joint Detection and Synchronization.
Bibliographical Notes.
Receiver Structures for Fading Channels.
Outer and Inner Receiver for Fading Channels.
nner Receiver for Flat Fading Channels.
nner Receiver for Selective Fading Channels.
Spread Spectrum Communication.
Bibliographical Notes.
Parameter Synchronization for Flat Fading Channels.
Non-Data-Aided (NDA) Flat Fading Channel.
Estimation and Detection.
Data-Aided (DA) Flat Fading Channel Estimation and Detection.
Bibliographical Notes.
Parameter Synchronization for Selective Fading Channels.
Non-Data-Aided (NDA) Selective Fading Channel Estimation and Detection.
Data-Aided (DA) Selective Fading Channel Estimation and Detection.
Bibliographical Notes.
Эффективное применение знаний о состоянии канала и параметрах синхронизации позволяет приблизить производительность радиоканала к предельным с точки зрения теории значениям, поскольку все устройства передачи данных требуют максимального использования доступной пропускной способности, а это возможно только при использовании цифровых систем связи. Сегодня реализация таких систем стала возможной благодаря огромному прогрессу в полупроводниковой технологии, которая позволила:
1. Расширить алгоритмы сжатия для использования низкоскоростных каналов передачи данных, необходимых для передачи голоса или видео с высоким качеством.
2. Применить в приемнике сложные алгоритмы управления питанием, оценки канала,
синхронизации, кодирования и декодирования.
3. Внедрить комплекс протоколов для управления трафиком в сети.
4. Внедрить простой и удобный графический интерфейс "человек-машина".
Издательство John Wiley & Sons, англ. яз. , 1998г. , 843 стр.
Книга состоит из следующих основных частей.
Basic Material.
Stationary and Cyclostationary Processes.
Complex Envelope Representation.
Band-Limited Signals.
Fundamentals of Estimation Theory.
Baseband Communications.
ntroduction to Digital Baseband Communication.
Clock Synchronizers.
Error-Tracking Synchronizers.
Spectral Line Generating Clock Synchronizers.
Examples (The Squaring,Synchronizer, Synchronizer with Zero-Crossing, Timing Error Detector,The Mueller and Muller Synchronizer).
Passband Transmission.
Transmission Methods.
Channel and Transceiver Models.
Channel Capacity of Multilevel/Phase Signals.
Receiver Structure for PAM Signals.
Functional Block Diagram of a Receiver for PAM Signal.
Sufficient Statistics for Reception in Gaussian Noise.
Optimum ML Receivers.
Synthesis of Synchronization Algorithms.
Derivation of ML Synchronization Algorithms.
Estimator Structures for Slowly Varying Synchronization Parameters.
NDA Timing Parameter Estimation.
NDA Timing Parameter Estimation by Spectral Estimation.
DA (DD) Timing Parameter Estimators.
Timing Error Feedback Systems at Higher Than Symbol Rate.
Timing Error Feedback Systems at Symbol Rate.
(DD&D&) Carrier Phasor Estimation and Phase Error Feedback.
Phasor-Locked Loop (PHLL).
NDA Carrier Phasor Estimation and Phase Error Feedback Systems for M-PSK.
Phase and Timing Recovery for Nonlinear Modulation Schemes.
Performance Analysis of Synchronizers.
Bounds on Synchronization Parameter Errors.
Appendix: Fisher Information Matrix.
Tracking Performance of Carrier and Symbol Synchronizers.
Cycle LC.
Acquisition of Carrier Phase and Symbol Timing.
Bit Error Rate Degradation Caused by Random.
Tracking Errors.
ML Detection of Data Symbols.
Derivation of an Approximate Expression for BER Degradation.
M-PSK Signal Constellation.
M-PAM and /l&QAM Signal Constellations.
Coded Transmission.
Main Points.
Bibliographical Notes.
Frequency Estimation.
ntroduction/Classification of Frequency Control Systems.
Frequency Estimator Operating Independently of Timing Information.
Frequency Error Feedback Systems Operating Independently of Timing Information.
Frequency Estimators Operating with Timing information.
Frequency Error Feedback Systems Operating with Timing Information.
Frequency Estimators for MSK Signals.
Performance Analysis.
Bibliographical Notes.
Timing Adjustment by Interpolation.
Digital Interpolation.
nterpolator Control.
DSP System Implementation.
Digital Signal Processing Hardware.
DSP System Hardware-Software Co-Design.
Quantization and Number Representation.
ASIC Design Case Study.
Bit Error Performance of the DVB Chip.
CAD Tools and Design Methodology.
Topics Not Covered.
Bibliography Notes on Convolutional Coding and Decoding.
Bibliography Notes on Reed-Solomon Decoders.
Characterization, Modeling, and Simulation of Linear Fading Channels.
Digital Transmission over Continuous-Time and Discrete-Equivalent Fading Channels.
Modeling and Simulation of Discrete-Equivalent Fading Channels.
Bibliographical Notes.
Detection and Parameter Synchronization on Fading Channels.
Fading Channel Transmission Models and.
Synchronization Parameters 631.
Optimal Joint Detection and Synchronization.
Bibliographical Notes.
Receiver Structures for Fading Channels.
Outer and Inner Receiver for Fading Channels.
nner Receiver for Flat Fading Channels.
nner Receiver for Selective Fading Channels.
Spread Spectrum Communication.
Bibliographical Notes.
Parameter Synchronization for Flat Fading Channels.
Non-Data-Aided (NDA) Flat Fading Channel.
Estimation and Detection.
Data-Aided (DA) Flat Fading Channel Estimation and Detection.
Bibliographical Notes.
Parameter Synchronization for Selective Fading Channels.
Non-Data-Aided (NDA) Selective Fading Channel Estimation and Detection.
Data-Aided (DA) Selective Fading Channel Estimation and Detection.
Bibliographical Notes.