Think of Advertising For Dummies, 2nd Edition, as a guidebook to
map your
way through the back alleys, side streets, and secret pathways leading to
effective advertising. Advertising can be a very intimidating subject — it has
its own language; it comes in a huge array of media choices; it requires, when
done right, creativity, clarity, and solid production values to cut through its
own clutter; and it costs a lot of money. But advertising is also essential to
the success of your business. Use this travel guide to chart your course down
the hidden boulevards of advertising, and you may discover that, indeed, the
streets are paved with gold.
way through the back alleys, side streets, and secret pathways leading to
effective advertising. Advertising can be a very intimidating subject — it has
its own language; it comes in a huge array of media choices; it requires, when
done right, creativity, clarity, and solid production values to cut through its
own clutter; and it costs a lot of money. But advertising is also essential to
the success of your business. Use this travel guide to chart your course down
the hidden boulevards of advertising, and you may discover that, indeed, the
streets are paved with gold.