// Oral Tradition, 16/1 (2001): 58-84
Garc?a John F. Milman Parry and A.L. Kroeber = Милман Перри и А. Л. Кребер: Американская антропология и Усный Гомер
Abstract: In this essay, I will suggest that Parry’s original emphasis on the traditional formation and transmission of Homeric diction was more an outgrowth of his intellectual training than his son would allow. Parry was indeed the product of traditions, and here I want to explore the legacy in his work of the Americanist tradition in ethnography.
Garc?a John F. Milman Parry and A.L. Kroeber = Милман Перри и А. Л. Кребер: Американская антропология и Усный Гомер
Abstract: In this essay, I will suggest that Parry’s original emphasis on the traditional formation and transmission of Homeric diction was more an outgrowth of his intellectual training than his son would allow. Parry was indeed the product of traditions, and here I want to explore the legacy in his work of the Americanist tradition in ethnography.