(Фрэнсис Джеймс А. Программа 76-мм боеприпасов (ежеквартальный
отчет о ходе выполнения работ) ). — Report: — Dahlgren, Virginia:
Naval Weapons Laboratory. 1972. — 65 p.
Major accomplishments during the period of 1 September through 31
December 1972 are reported. The program objectives approach,
schedule and the organization of technical responsibilities are
given. Technical specifications provided by the Italian Govement
have been found to be comparable to U.S. specifications. The
percussion primer design was found to be unique. The plan for
providing a centrally coordinated Product Assurance Program is
provided as an Appendix.
Производится сравнение боеприпасов 76 mm/62 (OTO Melara) и 5’’/54
45. Приведены чертежи 76 mm/62 (OTO Melara).
45. Приведены чертежи 76 mm/62 (OTO Melara).