New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 1982 - 287 c. На английском языке. Скан
Расследование похищений женщин обитателями НЛО.
Invisible Guests
Opening Pandora's Box
The People in the Light
Selected by Aliens
Abduction at the Trap Rock
The Being in the Woods
The Museum of Time
The Great Door
The Implant
Retu to Crocker Pond-and Other Encounters
The Psychic Element in UFO Reports
Mystery Copters and the MIB
What on Earth Is Happening?
Close Encounters of a Divine Kind?
Betty's Own Beliefs
Invisible Guests
Opening Pandora's Box
The People in the Light
Selected by Aliens
Abduction at the Trap Rock
The Being in the Woods
The Museum of Time
The Great Door
The Implant
Retu to Crocker Pond-and Other Encounters
The Psychic Element in UFO Reports
Mystery Copters and the MIB
What on Earth Is Happening?
Close Encounters of a Divine Kind?
Betty's Own Beliefs